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Kangen and Crohn's Disease
Crohn's Disease & Kangen Water
par Enagic Kangen Water, samedi 17 septembre 2011, 16:30
Crohn's Disease & Kangen Water
I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease approximately 20 years ago.
I started drinking Kangen Water approximately in December of 2008. For the last 3 years my disease had slowly but steadily gotten worse. There are many foods such as certain fruits and vegetables that I could no longer tolerate to eat. Loose stools and diarrhea became the norm and not the exception.
Heartburn and acid reflux were an everyday occurrence for me. I had decided that this was just the way my life was going to be. I was always going to have to keep my medication with me and say goodbye to the foods I could no longer eat. I would probably have as I got older, at the least, scarred intestines and at the worst, colon cancer. The very first day I started drinking Kangen Water, my heartburn and acid reflux disappeared. Within a week my stools became normal and I actually had a bit of constipation. That hadn't happened since I was 18! I haven't had to take any medication for my Crohn’s since I started drinking Kangen Water. I'm slowly adding back the foods that I couldn't have and am glad to report that I can tolerate lettuce and grapes again. I'm so looking forward to trying watermelon this summer. I have missed that the most. Because of the very nature of my disease, my body does not absorb vitamins very well, especially the B vitamins. On top of that, vitamin supplements made me sick to my stomach. Not only is my body now getting vitamins from my food more effectively, but I can tolerate supplements again.
I always thought that I slept well for the most part but after a week of drinking Kangen Water I realized I didn't know what good sleep was. I woke up refreshed (I thought that was just a saying) and ready to
start my day. I still have aches and pains, because I'm an active 42 year old, but the strains and pinches don't last as long or are as intense as they used to be. A strained back muscle no longer
knocks me down for the rest of the day but only for a few hours. I don't have to take stronger medications to get rid of the pain like ibuprofen (which irritates the stomach) but can get by with just
I always knew water was good for you and an important part of bodily function, but I never thought it could change my health so dramatically. Thank you Mindy, Rick, and Kangen Water!
Staci Daniel
Leigh, NE
DISCLAIMER: Obviously everyone is different and so their effects from consuming Kangen Water will differ. That is why the company will not (and legally cannot) make any specific health claims.
Exclusion de responsabilité & réglementations.

Aux Etats Unis , comme en France, il n'est pas autorisé de prétendre que quoi que ce soit à un effet curatif en dehors d'une pratique médicale. C'est pourquoi nous prenons soin de rester dans le cadre de la liberté d'expression des personnes tout en vérifiant les témoignages qui nous sont transmis régulièrement. L'eau de kangen, les méthodes ou les produits qui sont mentionnés proposent des méthodes prophylactiques <> pour la santé et soutiennent les efforts personnels de chacun. Les personnes qui utilisent l'eau de kangen le font de leur propre initiative. Un consultant n'a aucune intention d'émettre le moindre diagnostic et de proposer des recommandations thérapeutiques. Néanmoins, chacun est libre de dire, même dans les détails , ce qui lui arrive et ce qu'il pense. En cas de problèmes de santé , les procédés mentionnés ne sauraient remplacer un traitement médical. Ceci reste du domaine purement informatif. Pour vous prouver que ces résultats sont bien réels, nous vous donnerons l'occasion de tester l'eau de kangen et attestiez vous aussi de son efficacité.